Working for you.
One of the most valuable benefits of AANA membership is the power of our advocacy. In an era when CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists continue to confront historic challenges, AANA has been by your side, working hard to protect our profession. Here are some of the past year’s significant wins:
Oregon and the District of Columbia enacted full practice authority laws for CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists.
In South Carolina, CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists now have a pathway to obtain fluoroscopy certification.
Delaware adopted workers’ compensation insurance rules that require CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists to be reimbursed at the same rate as physician anesthesiologists.
Alabama and Kentucky enacted laws requiring a position for a CRNA/nurse anesthesiologist on their state boards of nursing.
In the 2023-2024 state legislative sessions, 18 anesthesiologist assistant bills have been introduced. Of those, 11 were defeated and five have not moved forward as of June 2024, thanks to active state associations and support from AANA.
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Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists are on front lines of health care
How anesthesia programs make a difference
Local nurse anesthetist sinks his teeth into sitcom pilot
See more coverage of CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists at
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As required by Section 6033(e) of the Internal Revenue Code, we are required to inform you that $34 of $710 of your national membership dues are allocated towards expenses incurred by AANA for national lobbying activities. Such amount is not deductible for federal income tax purposes. As AANA members may also be members of individual state associations, please be aware that your individual state association may or may not engage in reportable state lobbying activities. To the extent it does, your individual state association is responsible for informing you of what amount, if any, of your state membership dues are allocated to expenses for lobbying activities at your state or local level. All such lobbying expenses at the state or local level are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. We encourage you to contact your individual state association if you have any questions in this regard.
Copyright © 2025 American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
10275 West Higgins Road, Suite 500, Rosemont, IL 60018 | 847.692.7050
In 2023-2024, you saw:
Federal Victories
You're making headlines.
AANA is committed to telling our members’ stories and bringing you the recognition you deserve. Here are some of the ways our profession has been featured in local and national media — and in original reporting from the award-winning AANA PR Team:
National News
Original Features from AANA PR
“More Than Just a Mission Trip”: Nurse Anesthesiology Resident Reflects on Helping Honduran Patients | June 2024
CRNA hopes to inspire others to learn CPR and save lives | June 2024
CRNA saves a mother’s life during rare birth complication | April 2024
Saving a life at 35,000 feet | February 2024
CRNAs establish Neaux La Made to support underrepresented anesthesia residents | February 2024
Latina CRNAs show importance of mentorship, explain need for Hispanic healthcare professionals | January 2024
CRNA reflects on medical mission to Ukraine | November 2023
Michigan Medicine cardiac CRNA team fills need for providers, makes history at their hospital | November 2023
The more you know.
In the past year, AANA has:
AANA Studies & Resources
We’re looking forward to another year of protecting practice rights, ensuring access to care, and supporting your career.
Your renewal ensures that AANA members have the resources they need to keep moving forward.
Because of you, we’ll shape a strong future for our patients, our communities, and safe, high quality, expert anesthesia care.
What's new?
In 2023-2024, three states opted out of federal physician supervision for CRNA/nurse anesthesiologists: Wyoming opted out for critical access hospitals and hospitals with 25 beds or less, Delaware and Massachusetts obtained full opt-outs. Colorado moved from partial opt-out (since 2010) to full opt-out. There are now 25 states and Guam that have obtained full or partial opt-outs.
AANA is more than 65,000 members strong.
In 2023-2024, we recorded the highest member numbers in AANA’s 93-year history. Because of you, the power of our collective voice will shape the future of the profession for all anesthesia experts.
State Victories